One scope to rule them all. From dark-timber whitetails, to executing precision long-range shots on an open-country mule deer, and everything in between – there’s the lightweight, second focal plane Razor HD LHT. Stunning, High Definition optical system delivers a crystal-clear sight picture with tack-sharp resolution. Turn every second of legal shooting light into opportunity. Take to the field with confidence knowing you’ve sacrificed nothing with the Razor HD LHT.
Razor HD LHT 3-15×50 Dimensions (in inches)
Product Dimensions
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
13.6 2.1 2.0 5.6 4.3 3.4
H1 H2
2.3 1.7
Included in the Box
- Sunshade
- Lens Covers
- Lens Cloth
- CR2032 battery
- Free Custom Ballistic Strip Coupon

G4i-BDC reticle can be used effectively with a variety of firearms, including high powered rifles, rimfire rifles, blackpowder rifles, and slug shotguns. This reticle also provides reference marks to compensate for bullet drop and bullet drift in windy conditions.
Subtension detail for Razor HD LHT 3-15×50 riflescope with G4i BDC MRAD reticle.